Mr.Sandeep Raathi of BNR Udyog had offered to copy all the patient records on computer systems digitally at free of charge.
Dr.Shivani Ranjan, GMC, Jammu, J&K visited under observership programme from IADVL for learning Leprosy Diagnosis & Treatment at Sivananda Rehabilitation Home and she said “Great learning and working experience at Sivananda Centre. Dr.Ananth Reddy is extremely humble and has a great experience in his field. Dr.Srinivas was also very cooperative. All the other Staff members eg. Physiotherapy Dept., OT Staff, OPD Staff also helped me a lot. Thanks Sivananda People for all of the cooperation and hospitality.
Vinay Kumar, Development Expert / Consultant visited and said “The dedication and support of the Staff is highly commendable bringing relief to so many people suffering from leprosy. Great campus, very well kept and cleanliness. Excellent”.
Purchased Tata Ace Gold as one of the vehicle was not in a good condition and facing problems in fulfilling the needs.
Dr.S.Ananth Reddy, Chief Administrator, SRH received the “Dr.Jal Mehta Oration” at the 31st Biennial Conference of the IAL for his service to the people affected by Leprosy.
Dr.K.Padmaja, Addl. Director, CMOH , GHMC visited SRH to see the activities and appreciated saying “Services are good. Very much appreciable”.
Dr.P.Sampath, Asst. Medical Officer of Health, GHMC visited and said “Services are appreciated”.
Mr.Klaus Maier & Maria Maier, Voith Turbo India visited SRH and said “I am very impressed about the service and also very shocked about the increase of leprosy. Hope to find a way to help you!”.
Jeffrey Gentleman & Suhasini Raj from The New York Times visited and expressed their views about the work carried out by SRH saying “ What aspiring work ! Thank you for a wonderful visit. Bye for now !?
On 26th Jan 2022,The New York Times published an article on the services being rendered by Sivananda Rehabilitation Home for people affected by Leprosy taking treatment at its Referral Hospital and others residing on campus under rehabilitation. Many people were inspired by the article and contacted SRH to provide financial support and a few others promised to extend a helping hand in future activities.
Dr. IIona from Czech Republic visited SRH for learning Reconstructive Surgery techniques at SRH Surgical Theatre. She stayed for a month and learnt techniques and assisted in Surgeries.
MORPHO Foundation Founder, MD and the Project Team Assistant (OLAF Kriger & Anja Schelling) from Germany along with the GLRA-India Team visited SRH to observe the activities carried out for treating people affected by leprosy. The GLRA-India team Dr.Debajit Sarkar, CEO and Mr.Shibu George accompanied the visitors to explain the activities. The visitors expressed their happiness in seeing the splendid work carried out by SRH in the field of leprosy treatment.
They left Remarks in the Visitors’ Book saying :
“Thank you so much for the possibility to visit and to understand such great works”.
“Thank you for showing us around this inspiring place!”.
“Thank you so much for the work done for the cause of leprosy. One of the best place, I have been visited till now”.
Dr.August Otto Beine, Former Chief Medical Officer of Sivananda Rehabilitation Home passed away peacefully at his native place in Germany on 15th Oct 2020.
His services to SRH were tremendous. People affected by leprosy and availed treatment at this institution have returned back to their normal life due to his excellent and dedicated services in the field of Reconstructive Surgery. This institution what is today is because of such people’s effort and selfless services. He has rendered his services in India for more than Five decades and at Sivananda Rehabilitation Home for about Four decades.
He was awarded with “The Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany” – in 1991 & with “First Class Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany” (Prestigious & Highest Award) – in 2012. On his wish both the Awards were handed over to him by the German Consulate Officials on SRH Campus between the people he was wishing to spend whole life in serving.
23rd Jan being Birth Anniversary of Late Rani J.Kumudini Devi, Founder, Sivananda Rehabilitation Home was celebrated by installing her Burst on Sivananda Rehabilitation Home Campus by her Sons’ & Daughters’ families. The Board Members, Family members and the people closely involved in her noble services have witnessed the occasion.
She was remembered for her selfless services as an Inspiration for helping the people in need. She was recollected for the activities started by her when there was no hope for the people suffering badly can also lead a happy life as anyone else in the Society.
Articles were published about this program in Telugu & English News papers.
Dr.S.Ananth Reddy attended Conference “2nd National Leprosy Symposium” held at Delhi by IADVL.
Dr.S.Ananth Reddy presented Oral Presentation of Two Abstracts – at 20th International Leprosy Congress, at Manila, Philippines – 9th to 14th Sept 2019.
A) EARLY DETECTION OF NERVE INVOLVEMENT: ROLE OF TESTING EXTENSOR HALLUSIS LONGUS IN THE FOOT &1ST DORSAL INTEROSSEOUS IN THE HANDMr.Denise Leclair, MD Novartis Global Health, visited SRH and appreciated medical facilities being provided to the people affected by Leprosy in the Referral Hospital on campus.
Mr.&Mrs.Paul de Wit from Nederlands (Pavlos Culture-Adventures Foundation) accompanying a group of friends visited SRH. Appreciated seeing the renovated Wards & facilities with the funds received from Mr. & Mrs. Paul de Wit in the year 2018. They have interacted with the people residing on campus talking to them and sharing their happiness with the renovated facilities.
Dr. Amit Desai, Lubomir Chalupka and Christoph Moeschli, Global leaders of Novartis Pharma visited this institution to see the activities carried out for the welfare of the people affected..
Farewell to Mr.K.Ganapathy, Chief Physiotherapist was organized for the tremendous service he has provided in our Physiotherapy section for the benefit of the people affected by leprosy. He worked with SRH for more than 25 years and shared his best knowledge in the field of leprosy not only with the trainees & visitors visited SRH, but also with the Co-medical staff guiding in their medical works.
Farewell to Ms.Claramma Verghese, Lab Technician was organized for her long period of service provided to SRH in the field of Leprosy and also in TB Unit. She worked for more than 30 years and guided her co-workers in her field of work.Ms.Rosanne Rontondo, Head of Centre of Excellence, Emerging Markets, Ms.Jeroze Dalal & Mr.Gangadhar from Novartis, Switzerland accompanied by Dr.Urmila Pingle, visited SRH to see the activities going on.
Mr.Paul Aftring from New Jersey, USA visited and appreciated activities carried out on campus.Dr. Sona Kolarova, Surgeon from Czech Republic and a trainee of GLRA/DAHW visited and stayed for couple of days on SRH Campus to study RCS cases and other activities carried out by SRH. She also shown keen interest to study about the TB cases at our Tuberculosis Unit. She wished to come again if possible.
Dr.S.Ananda Rama Krishnan from Madura visited and observed leprosy activities in detail and also TB activities carried out under our Tuberculosis Unit.Secondary School children from Chaitanya Vidyalaya, visited and donated in kind and in cash for the leprosy affected people and their children on campus and also for our Oldage Home inmates. Children entertained our Home children and elderly people living in Oldage Home by singing songs and interacted personally with these people.
Dr.Lutz Hegemann, Global Development Head, Established Medicine & Anti-Infectives, Novartis, Pharma, A G Global Drug Development, Switzerland along with his Team visited and expressed his appreciation of the activities going on in the leprosy and tuberculosis projects. Expressed interest to explore opportunities with us for a future collaboration.German Leprosy & TB Relief Association- India / DAHW, Germany organized a Training Workshop on Leprosy at Sivananda Rehabilitation Home which has Hospital facility along with the rehabilitation on campus for the leprosy affected people (LAPs). This training was organized for training the Health Staff of Afghanistan working for the LAPs under DAHW, Germany. Seventeen trainees participated and gained experience under this Workshop. Trainers who participated, were from the GLRA-India Staff and also from SRH Staff.
Dr.Daniel Gulati who visited for this Training Workshop appreciated the facilities existing on the campus for the treatment of Leprosy. Dr.Arif Hemat, LEPCO- Head of Operation, Afghanistan and other Visitors appreciated the team of SRH for successfully running the activities and conducting Training Workshops internationally in a best way with detailed case demonstrations.
Lt.Gen Matutakne (Retd.), Former Commandant AFMC & Former VC SIU, Member LEPRA (MC) visited SRH and appreciated the work carried out at the institution.Ms.Heidi Nieuwerhuize visited SRH second time after a Ten years of gap and she wished to see all the patients and staff again and appreciated the developments that have taken place in the activities during the ten years.
NOVARTIS BASEL & USA & GLOBAL members visited. Mr.Patrick Matchaba observed all the activities on campus and had detailed discussions with the Board Members with regard to the Novartis & SRH relation in the future. He made a donation in loving memory of his mother.
Also Ms.Estelle Roth from Novartis appreciated the support that SRH is providing to the needy people of the Society those affected by Leprosy.